It was hypothesized that it would be beneficial to provide The Wellness Center Participants with encouraging information on successfully maintaining sobriety.
1. By creating educational tools about substance abuse participants can feel better equipped to face the possibility of relapse.
2. If participants were armed with helpful information about how to stay sober they would be more encourage to create a path to sobriety.
3. Supplying participants with educational information about staying on track to sobriety can only encourage their progression in defeating their disease.
4. A well-designed educational tool will encourage participants to maintain sobriety and establish a better living situation.
DAI 505
Research and Development for Design
October 2010
Hello, My name is Theresa Rosen and I am a graduating senior at San Francisco State University. As part of my graduation requirement I must complete a well thought out research and development project. I’m conducting my research study on the Wellness Center’s substance abuse program and need your help. The purpose of this study is to research and develop educational tools for the Wellness Centers’ substance abuse program participants.
If you could take the time to answer the following questions, your fee back is greatly appreciated and serves only to benefit the participants of the Wellness Center.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, please feel free to leave any comments or feedback on the back of this page.
Saint Vincent de Paul, San Francisco runs the largest homeless shelter in California. The Society has developed special works, which include four areas of assistance. These four special works include; The Homeless shelter, the Domestic Violence shelter, the Vincentian Help Desk and The Wellness Center.
Hello, my name is Theresa Rosen and I am a graduating senior at San Francisco Sate University. I will graduate in December of 2010 with a degree in Design and Industry with a concentration in interdisciplinary studies.
I appreciate everything design encompasses and at this point I am trying to figure out how design works best for my interests and me. I am inspired by how people use design to change the world and impact the way other people live. We can all learn from people who aim to help those less fortunate better their way of living.
My hopes for the future include successfully passing DAI 505 and graduating in December 2010. After college I plan to travel, and submerge myself in other cultures. I want to understand how other people live and function in different areas of the world. And to understand ways to successfully impact and better the way other people live.
Adventurous, easy-going, independent, compassionate, dedicated, reliable